Category 2019

X-Men: Dark Phoenix

Ten years after the Apocalypse, because of repeated exposure to radiation, a new generation of mutants appears. Among them is the charming Jean Gray, a young woman who begins to manifest unprecedented powers. Seduced and corrupted by the tremendous power it possesses, Jean turns into Dark Phoenix, becoming a feared foe. Facing the new sequence of events, X-Men will have to decide whether the life of a single team member is more important than that of people around the world...

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In an attempt to resist unscrupulous medieval witches and willing to use thousands of years of magic to reach his ultimate goal of destroying all of humanity, Hellboy arrives in the UK where he must defeat the consort Merlin and Regina Nimue. But the confrontation between good and evil turns into a very dangerous and bloody struggle, which not only risks generating a lot of collateral victims but can even provoke the end of the world – an outcome that Hellboy tries to avoid any price...

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Transformers: Bumblebee

In his attempt to hide, the Bumblebee bomber flees in a car cemetery in a small California town. Though he thought he would not attract too much attention to it, Bumblebee is nevertheless discovered by Charlie, an 18-year-old teenager struggling to find a living purpose...

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War with Grandpa

Peter is delighted to be living not only with his parents, but also with Jack, who was very close to him. That until he has to move to the nightmare bridge to let his room come in. But Peter will not be beaten so easily, and by gathering his friends they will all try to get the grandfather out of the way, through a series of more foolish pranks. But Jack is not willing to lose, and how quickly he declares war to the boy, turning the house upside down...

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