The film tells the beloved story of Ariel, a beautiful young mermaid full of life and thirst for adventure...
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Summer vacation is shaping up to be boring for Allan, an introverted 11-year-old boy. The adventures will begin once his UFO-obsessed neighbor begins to believe that the boy is a human antenna that could help him pick up information about a great invasion that he believes is headed for Earth. But the improvised antenna doesn’t last long, and little Allan is saved by Britney, a girl from space who has a project about earthlings to prepare for school. Allan must now help the girl return home...
Read more ...America’s hottest comedian Sebastian Maniscalco joins forces with legendary Italian-American and two-time Oscar® winner Robert De Niro in the new comedy A Nightmare Father. The film centers around Sebastian (Maniscalco), who is encouraged by his fiancee (Leslie Bibb) to bring his father, Salvo, an immigrant barber (De Niro), to a weekend reunion with her super-rich and extremely of eccentric (Kim Cattrall, Anders Holm, Brett Dier, David Rasche)...
Read more ...Mavka, the Forest Fairy, is faced with an impossible choice between love and her duty as a guardian to the Heart of the Forest when she falls in love with a human, the young musician Lucas...
Read more ...When Peter embarks on a magical journey to save his sister Anne, he must face a mysterious territory: the Moon! Anne was kidnapped by the evil Moon Man when she tried to help the cockroach Mr. Zoomzeman in his search for his wife. In his fantastic adventure, Peter lands on the Star Meadow, where he meets the sleepy Mr. Sandman. He knows that only at the Night Fairy’s dinner in the cloud castle can they find out where Anne is – but there aren’t enough seats for everyone...
Read more ...A charming thief and a gang of unusual adventurers embark on an epic quest to recover a lost relic, but things take a dangerous turn when they bump into the wrong people...
Read more ...Juan Jesús García Galocha’s animation tells the story of three mummies who arrive in modern-day London, where they set out in search of an ancient ring that once belonged to the royal family and was stolen by the overly ambitious archaeologist Lord Carnaby. A very nice movie, for young and old children. We obviously have a negative character and the heroes of the story, the positive characters...
Read more ...Shanghai, 1934. In an insect world parallel to that of humans, Inspector Sun wins one last mission against his nemesis, the Red Locust, before embarking on a journey to San Francisco. But his vacation ends suddenly when the millionaire Dr. Acșiață is found murdered...
Read more ...Finnick is a young goblin who doesn’t seem to care about the responsibility of turning people’s house into a home...
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