A remake of the 1941 animated film based on the famous book of writers Helen Aberson and Harold Pearl, the film follows the extraordinary adventures of Dumbo, an unusual elephant...
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Young Hiccup and his beloved dragon, Toothless, face a dark threat when they become the leaders of their communities. While searching for new islands and dragons, Hiccup, Astrid, Toothless and Stormfly discover Light Fury and a dragon underground world. Light Fury, a mysterious dragon female with rare physical attributes, aims to resist the wild side of Toothless, which has been numb with domestication. However, back in Arcapellago, Grimmel, a man who hunts each Night Fury and Light Fury requires Hiccup to teach Toothless and Light Fury. Refusing, he captures Light Fury and swears to destroy Hiccup and all his dear ones. When the darkest threat they have ever encountered detracts from their village, Hiccup and Toothless have to leave the only house they know and travel in a hidden corner of the world, which is believed to be just a myth . Hiccup, Toothless and his friends must confront this new threat and look for a new home where both they and the dragons can live in peace...
Read more ...Peter is delighted to be living not only with his parents, but also with Jack, who was very close to him. That until he has to move to the nightmare bridge to let his room come in. But Peter will not be beaten so easily, and by gathering his friends they will all try to get the grandfather out of the way, through a series of more foolish pranks. But Jack is not willing to lose, and how quickly he declares war to the boy, turning the house upside down...
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