An action-packed epic adventure, Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) brings Godzilla into a decisive confrontation with some of the most popular monsters in the history of folk culture. The new story follows the heroic efforts of the cryptozoological agency Monarch, while its members face a series of colossal monsters, including Godzilla, who will face Mothra, Rodan and his rival final, the three-head monster King Ghidorah . When these super-ancient species, considered to be simple myths, come to the surface, they all fight for supremacy, leaving the very existence of humanity hanging in the balance...
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There is a superhero in each of us, just a little bit of magic to make it come out. For Billy Batson (played by Asher Angel) it’s enough to shout Shazam! This 14-year-old orphan has the chance to turn into Shazam adult superhero (Zachary Levi) with the help of an old magician. Despite its impressive physical appearance, Shazam still has the heart of a child and makes with his adult version what any teenager would do with superpowers – he’s having fun! “” Can he fly? Can he see through objects? Can he emit the electric projectiles through his hands? Can he get rid of the boring tests at school? Shazam is determined to test the limits of his powers with the reckless joy of a child. But he must learn to master these powers, for he will have to deal with the forces of Evil, controlled by Dr...
Read more ...The action of the new film “Captain Marvel” takes place in 1995, when Carol Danvers (Brie Larson), a former pilot in the U.S. Air Force, becomes one of the most powerful heroes in the galaxy...
Read more ...Ten years after the Apocalypse, because of repeated exposure to radiation, a new generation of mutants appears. Among them is the charming Jean Gray, a young woman who begins to manifest unprecedented powers. Seduced and corrupted by the tremendous power it possesses, Jean turns into Dark Phoenix, becoming a feared foe. Facing the new sequence of events, X-Men will have to decide whether the life of a single team member is more important than that of people around the world...
Read more ...In an attempt to resist unscrupulous medieval witches and willing to use thousands of years of magic to reach his ultimate goal of destroying all of humanity, Hellboy arrives in the UK where he must defeat the consort Merlin and Regina Nimue. But the confrontation between good and evil turns into a very dangerous and bloody struggle, which not only risks generating a lot of collateral victims but can even provoke the end of the world – an outcome that Hellboy tries to avoid any price...
Read more ...In his attempt to hide, the Bumblebee bomber flees in a car cemetery in a small California town. Though he thought he would not attract too much attention to it, Bumblebee is nevertheless discovered by Charlie, an 18-year-old teenager struggling to find a living purpose...
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