
The film is based on the incredible true story of a mother’s unwavering love for an impossible situation. When John, Joyce Smith’s adoptive son, falls into a frozen lake in Missouri, everything seems lost. While John lies barefoot, Joyce refuses to give up. Her firm faith inspires those around her to continue to pray for John even in the face of all scientific predictions. Directed by Roxann Dawson and adapted by Grant Nieporte based on Joyce Smith’s book, the film is a remarkable presentation of the fact that love and faith can create a mountain of hope and sometimes even a miracle.

In the lives of people, some of us, … sometimes … it happens that we overturn our whole existence upside down, causing us to wonder … ” As narrow as our minds were, now? And why? Are we afraid that God’s existence may be true? And that we will have to be counted? Or what causes us to run as his followers and deny him? ” I remember, Goga’s lyrics (I hope I’m not wrong), which said in a poem … ” Is God, or no / You who do not know what he cried ‘, / You are absolutely free to say it / I am not free, who he was / Bitterly hit by him!’ ‘

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