The film follows a group of inexperienced heroes who join forces to counter the evil Von Walrus and save the Arctic. Swifty, a polar fox, is working in the Arctic Blast delivery department, but he dreams of one day becoming a top dog, as the famous husky couriers of the Arctic. To prove himself worthy of the role of the top dog, Swifty secretly orders a sled and delivers a package to a mysterious location. But he is hampered by a secret fortress where he meets Otto Von Walrus, an evil genius who moves with mechanical feet and leads a loyal penguin army. Soon, Swifty discovers Von Walrus’s plan to melt the ice caps and flood the world to reign supreme. Now, Swifty has to get the help of his friends: PB, a polar preoccupied bear, Lemmy, a albatross, Bertha and Leopold, two otters passionate about conspiracy theories, and Jade, a common fox...
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When her brother, Charlie, disappears unexpectedly into the PLAYMOBIL® magic universe, Marla has to embark on her life’s journey to bring it back...
Read more ...In the second part of the animation based on the popular game created by Rovio Entertainment, the famous non-flying birds and the green pigs fight their fight to another level...
Read more ...Continuing the delicious animation asks us something that will surely make us think: we love our pet pets, but how well do we know about them...
Read more ...In a world where people around collect Pokémoni to make them fight each other, a teenager pits a smart Pikachu and a speaker who wants to become a detective...
Read more ...Mr. Link is definitely the funniest and faintest character in this animated adventure produced by the prestigious Laika studio. After him, it would be Sir Lionel, a brave and conquering adventurer who is considered the most important researcher of myths and monsters … the problem is that no one else agrees...
Read more ...Panoramix, accompanied by Astérix and Obélix, starts looking for a young and talented druid to convey to him the secret of the Magic Potion...
Read more ...Animation that has become a tradition of winter holidays in recent years returns to the big screens with a new conquering adventure, the Snowmobile: The Land of Mirrors...
Read more ...Super spy Lance Sterling (Will Smith) and scientist Walter Beckett (Tom Holland) are totally opposed characters. Lance is charming, suave and relaxed...
Read more ...Toby, a cynical advertiser, is suddenly caught in the fantasies of an old Spanish shoemaker who thinks Don Quixote. Throughout the surreal and adventurous adventures they come to live together, Toby begins to no longer distinguish between dream and reality...
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