Tea Pets

Figurines for serving tea are indispensable for any tea enthusiast. They usually have the shape of animals, and change color when they turn the hot tea over them. But they are not just collectible objects, but also lucky talismans. In our story, they are even more: really magical talismans! Our protagonist, Jack, lives in a tea shop, and he is the only one who can not change his color, though he was created by a very skilled master. Luck changes when Robo, a creature from the future, who can help him, appears, but only if Jack agrees to embark on a journey in the future, where there is a solution that can solve his problem …

“Jack and charms magic ‘is animated original story for the whole family about how you do not ever lose hope, even if it is necessary to pack up all the courage you are able, and embarking on the most sensational travel – in the future!

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