The Two Popes

Fernando Meirelles, the director of “City of God”, nominated for the Oscars and screenwriter Anthony McCarten, nominated three times at the American Academy Awards, bring this deep story of one of the most dramatic power transitions of the last 2000 years. With the direction the church is going, Cardinal Bergoglio (Jonathan Pryce) asks Pope Benedict (Anthony Hopkins) for permission to retire in 2012. However, though he will face scandals and insecurities, Pope Benedict is proposing a tough date critic of his and the future successor of Rome to reveal a secret that will shake the Catholic Church from the foundation. Behind the walls of the Vatican, the struggle between tradition and progress, guilt and forgiveness begins, and these two completely different men discuss elements of their past, with the purpose of finding common ground and building a future for millions of believers worldwide.

Two people so different in form and in the way of seeing things but so close in essence and in essence, two people with such important roles in this tumultuous century, two people with weaknesses as much as possible … human beings , discussions that could have been, most probably were not but I like to believe that the essence was not altered, the final scene is absolutely fabulous, do not leave the small screen before the end of the genre, Netflix more give a major blow at this end of the year, a film of beauty and splendor increasingly rare nowadays, I watched with immense pleasure, the raiders wrote that it is nothing but propaganda, of course it is a a bit of propaganda but it is so well done that it can be overcome, what fate, two important cardinals of Catholicism, a German and an Argentinian, memorably played by two great British actors, Cardinal Ratzinger and the Welsh Anthony Hopkins, is great injustice to consider it “secondary role” but they made it to take place in the nominations, Cardinal Bergoglio is the Welshman Jonathan Pryce, decided the end of the year belongs to veterans who have delighted us for years and who are not going to leave the flag , now I understand why the Vatican appreciated “The Young Pope”, the series-masterpiece of Sorrentino, in the middle of January begins “The New Pope” with Malkovich as a great novelty, I can only wait …

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